2014年1月27日 星期一

DERMAGRAM極緻膠原三重活肌面部護理~ 推介!!!!

JM 系寒冬期間首次試做DERMAGRAM 皇牌美容護理 - 極緻膠原三重活肌面部護。首先介紹下我地試做左既呢個Dermagram CollagenPlus Facial Treatment極緻膠原三重活肌面部護理!

CollagenPlus Facial Treatment極緻膠原三重活肌面部護理



仲記得當日我地個日有好多地方要去,所以非常甘攰。我地去既系Dermagram 位於中環威靈頓街14-24號威靈頓公爵大廈6既店舖,一踏入門口就有staff帶我地去換上拖鞋,先再參觀周圍既環境。中環舖好寬敞比人好舒服既感覺。之後由經理帶我地去講解將接受嘅面部護理程序~ 一路聽住講解一路享受花茶其實已經漸漸進入放鬆嘅狀態。聽完講解後經理仲將產品拎出來比我地睇下先開始療程。然後由唔同嘅護理師帶我哋入房,原來準備咗個驚喜,就係俾左 VIP & VVIP 嘅房間我哋享受呢個面部護理~
入到VIP房我簡直受寵若驚,房間非常乾淨俾人好高級同被善待和重視既感覺!房間有私人沖涼室仲有梳妝台同更衣間 裝備非常齊全!而VVIP 房更加寬敞感覺能夠放鬆~

好啦開始療程! 首先進行嘅系平衡淨心療法~ 護理師會幫你準備有香薰嘅暖包同熱毛巾,將暖包放係小腹上,熱毛巾放係腳踭,然後用按壓的方式去令到全身放鬆!播著悠閒嘅音樂特別令人感到舒適!能夠照顧到客人心理上既感覺真係抵讚~

然後再進行潔面三部曲及深層淨膚儀去角質層~ 護理師會好似圖中甘運用軟毛掃 等工具加上洗面與清潔皮膚。總會使用深層淨膚儀為肌膚徹底淨化,將毛孔內既嘅污穢徹底潔淨!透過深層清潔並改善粗糙膚質、收細毛孔、消除黑頭,有助增強肌膚吸收力,為嚟緊嘅面膜作準備!深層淨膚儀會俾人有電流既感覺,冇任何痛楚同不適的感覺出現,只是覺得有啲嘢就來來咁震。

緊接着嘅就係膊上極緻純膠原面膜~ 呢個面膜能夠注入100%高純度膠原蛋白!呢個面膜表面係邊織網狀層既,連頸部都會用上!能夠鎖緊細胞提供養份。護理師會先將溶液注入面膜將活性膠原蛋白釋放大概半小時就可以擲下~呢個時候肌膚就會係「喝水」嘅狀態!

之後進行皇牌護理紓敏營養面膜及人手深層滋潤按摩法~ 護理師會好細心咁按摩你既面部,感覺好舒適好放鬆,幾乎入睡。。。 配合緊緻提升導入法~ 微電流提升導入儀導入安瓶精華為眼同埋面部進行鎖水護理!

   完成療程之後感覺仲係好唔想離開張床,小腹有香薰暖包暖養住真系好舒服呢。。。 今個肌膚變得充滿彈性十分水潤,完全有保濕鎖水嘅效果出現!明顯睇到面部線條提升左,水腫的情況完全消失。加上療程中身心既放鬆感覺好似休息左好耐。。。個人充滿力量煥然一新

你們可以以首次體驗價 HK$600 試試這價值港幣原價$1200的面部護理!快d去登記啦~

2013年6月26日 星期三

Best Place for you to splurge for food ♡ Sevva

Jade & I went to Sevva for tea a few days back then. I swear to God it's by far the best high tea I've had. Plus the environment was really lovely. We enjoyed ourselves so much that we could want a time travelling machine to bring us back to that day. 

Ordered the vegetarian high tea set along with two cups of iced tea. All I can say is nommies! Totally worth is calories haha

Too mouth-watering huh? haha

The weather was so fine that day! And sevva simply has the best view for high tea!

Had our matchy matchy sissy watches on that day tehehe

We had a long sissy talk that day & it was spectacular!

AmourbeautyJM Day haha
Our lovely(prettiest in my opinion) photography hehe

Written by Minnie x

2013年5月12日 星期日

Review on Maybeline- color tattoo

-Heyoo my lovelies! Here’s a review on the color tattoo by Maybelline. I finally understand why people are raving about this product. ITS PURE AWSOMENESS! I am always a big fan of cream eye shadows. It’s really easily controlled.

-Somehow, I don’t understand why Hong Kong’s drugstore makeup products are always not up to dateL It takes forever for HK to launch the color tattoo. And STILL, they don’t have the shades I want!! (Tough as taupe & Bold Gold FYI)

-Well for these little babies up there, I gotta say that I’m really impressed. The consistency of the color tattoo is really creamy. Plus, it’s extremely pigmented. And it does not crease or fade after hours. It just simply set in within minutes and it stays on forever. I see why it’s called “tattoo”. I found the color tattoo really versatile; you can use it as the base or merely eye shadow for lazy days. It’s perfect for beginners or LAZY girls who wanna look good. Haha

-People usually believe that its similar with the Paint Pot but I think that it’s even more similar with the Benefit Creaseless cream eye shadow. The Paint Pot is rather silky and less pigmented. And the color tattoo is really creamy and pigmented. Both the consistency and packaging of the creaseless cream and color tattoo are really similar. Gotta say that I love them all, yet the color tattoo is the most wallet-friendly tehehe. 

今日要分享下Maybelline Color Tattoo! 我終於都明點解我最愛個d外國bloogers大讚佢! 一個字: 正!! 其實我一直都好愛膏壯眼影,因為真係好易control! 有時我真係好五明點解香港d平價化妝品咁五update! 我等左十世先有color tattoo. 中要無齊我想要d色:-(

點講都好,我都真係好愛利個產品! 佢好creamy同無敵上色! 過左好個鐘都五識脱色!真係貨如其名, 持久度好正!搽完一陣就馬上set in, 想甩都難:-P 最正係佢好上色!好arm化妝新手同d懶嘅貪靚女仔! 係懶或者好趕嘅日子用就arm哂喇!

D人話佢同mac嘅paint pot 好似,我就話同benefit嘅creaseless cream中似! 由其係個樣呀! Paint Pot 無 color tattoo 咁creamy同上色. 我三樣都好愛. 但係maybeline個color tattoo 就最低喇!

25 Bad to the bronze
30 Pomegranate Punk
05 Too Cool

Posted by Minnie from AmourbeautyJM